News Releases - Using Them To Your Advantage - Especially When Trading Manually
News Releases can work to your advantage, if you let them, such as:
1. Trading only when they are not due to be released.
This can help towards your Discipline in Trading, simply because you will eventually Trade at set times, such as when the New Releases are not due and thus have the Discipline and Trait to only Trade at the right time, for you.
2. Trading just before they are due to be released.
This can help towards gaining Points Profits in their 100's if you get your timing right.
New Releases can cause the Price of any particular market/constituent i.e. The FTSE, DAX, DOW, EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDJPY and many more to Rise or Fall very quickly in a matter of seconds.
Do be sure to do your homework and due diligence before attempting this style of Trading.
Do be sure to set your Stops.
Guaranteed Stops would be the Stops of choice.
For more information on Guaranteed Stops, please consult your Broker.
3. Trading just after they have been released.
This can help you to 'get in on the act' or in on the movement after the News Release. Very often, on a High or sometimes Medium News Release, simply waiting for a few minutes after the event can prove to be very rewarding in gaining Points Profits.
Do be sure to set your Stops.
Guaranteed Stops would be the Stops of choice.
For more information on Guaranteed Stops, please consult your Broker.
Note: The recording was made in 2016 and nothing has changed in the way Trading The News or Trading Around The News or Trading The News Releases To Your Advantage.