The Super-Trader Traits

The Super-Trader Traits was derived from the book called: The Market Wizards by Jack D Schwager.

The book itself inspired me to write about the Super-Trader Traits where the Traders themselves who were labelled Super-Traders because of the Traits they exhibited.

You can buy your copy of the Market Wizards by clicking on this link.

Below you'll find a breakdown of the words Super-Trader Traits:

'super'1) excellent. 2) above; over; beyond.

'trader'1) a person who trades goods, currency or shares. 2) a merchant ship.

'trait'a distinguishing quality or characteristic. > a genetically determined characteristic.

Please use the Super-Trader Traits sheet attached to inspire you and keep you in check, use it on a daily basis and keep it beside you as you place your Trades.

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