Does our CID only allow us to use the EA on the platform we originally set it up on?
i,e. FXCM, as I set it up on my ICMarkets account on a demo to check the difference and it all loaded right same settings, padlocks, auto trading set etc and not one trade was triggered.
I use ICMarkets on my live account trading the Dax30 as the spread drops to 2 points from 2.14am and 1 point from 07.0.
The CID allows you to use the EA on your PC…
…which means you can load any Platform, from any company.
The CID is your PCs Computer Identification.
What you need to do (if you haven’t done so already) is to:
1. Change the ‘Symbol’ GER30 for the DAX as it is written in FXCM within the TenKei 7.0 EA to
2. Whatever ‘Symbol’ they have or use for the DAX in ICMarkets within the TenKei 7.0 EA.