One Of The Files We Need To Download My Laptop Won't Let Me As It Days It Has A Virus.

One of the files we need to download my laptop won't let me as it days it has a virus.

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Yes, it will say or does say but that’s only because it is an unfamiliar File.

Yes, it’s the DLL File.

What you need to do is give your laptop permission to download it.

The TenKei ATM Setup Guide covers that section and instructs you on what to do.

I know this part seems iffy but if you temporarily deactivate your Antivirus Software on your OS, you can download it…

…then reactivate your Antivirus Software and ALL will be well.

There isn’t an alternative but only to temporarily switch off your Antivirus Software (to allow you to save it) whilst you load the DLL Files.

On some computers, if you ‘Right Click’ on the File, it will give you the option to ‘Keep’ the File (because you will be saying it is a safe file and not malicious).

Hi yes, the laptop I'm using has McAfee on it as virus detection and yes it didn't like the DLL file said it had a virus and put it in quarantine. I tired to unquarantine it from the Mcafee programme but it wouldn't let me as I'm not the admin on this computer. So to sort it I logged out as me logged in as the person who is admin and opened the McAfee programme found the quarantined items and double clicked on it the programme asked if I want to allow it I said yes and hey presto it realised the file, sorted.

You might be able to exclude these files in McAfee. Have a look at this:

How to exclude files from virus scans on Windows and macOS | McAfee Support

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